Sunday, June 29, 2008

june 26. 2008 - photoshop

today is the third day of our photoshop...

today i finished only 1 activity and the result of this one is good and thanks to myself about the researched i made and it really help me to do this one maybe it's a pretty good but for me it is...

so my problem only tomorrow is the last activity left....

so see you tomorrow pals....

june 25, 2008 - photoshop

Today is our second day for photoshop...

yesterday i finished 2 out of 6 activity and today I'd finished 2 also
and it really really difficult to finished a one activity especially this one
yeah photoshop..

i think i will do a research in photoshop a tutorial that will help me on how to manipulate and use the toolbox of the photoshop

yeah i will do that...

so see you tomorrow....

june 24, 2008 - photoshop

Today is our first day for our photoshop activity...

our instructor teach us how to use the tollbox of the photoshop one by one and i think there are
similarity of the corel draw..

after lecturing those toolbox we procede to our activity and starting to work for it and the deadline for it is in this coming june 27 and we only have 4 days left...

and today i finished only 2 acivities so i hope i can finish those left

but i can finish it....

im sure 100% that i can finish it...

Friday, June 27, 2008

june 29, 2008 - photoshop

look at to my finish photoshop activity above

that is all my finish outcome activities of photoshop but thats not all there still left just look of it to our compilation book...

so i hope you like it and i hope that everybody will like it also.... ahehehehe...

so that's all fella...

thank you sir....

see you at monday for our compilation......

Monday, June 23, 2008

june 23, 2008 - corel draw



Our instructor gives as time to finished our exercises and he said that today is the final for our corel so i must do it faster and doubled time so that i can finish it...

after the four hours that concentrating and working the left exercises finally i finish it ready for the photoshop activities....

and i hope that tomorrow is more exciting..

see you tomorrow sir...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Corel Draw - June 20, 2008

The Judgement Day.................. Ahehehehe.........

Today is our last day for corel draw because next Monday we will have a new discussion the photoshop so i hope can finish those exercises left....

this day makes me out of my mind and i don't know why. the idea that i need is left me alone and i hope i can overpass this situation and continue what am i doing.

Unfortunately i did not finished my exercises because it's brown out and the worse is i did not save the exercise and makes me mad uhh.... this day is the worse day of my life

i hope our instructor will understand our situation and give us time to finish our exercises....


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Corel Draw - June 19, 2008

Today is the fourth day of the class............

Well as usual same as we did yesterday.... hahahay... after I've finish my first business card yesterday i continued my task and finished a two certificate and one news letter and i hope that this example above is better than the other one..
well after finished those exercises our instructor told us that the deadline of those exercises is tomorrow so i continue the next exercise so that my problem only is the freestyle exercise but unfortunately i didn't finished it so i hope tomorrow i can finished it...
Goodbye......... ZZZZzzzz.....